Friday, August 15, 2008
If I have to see John Edwards' face in one more magazine I will think I might gag.
I am hopeful the media will now stop covering anything about him and then maybe his ego will be smaller and his poor, sick wife can have have some peace. She would probably find tranquility and calm if she would toss him to the curb. What heartache for her to deal with in a time of illness. Again, what a snake and a rat. He is lacking in values and a heart. I know men and women cheat ALL THE TIME. That does not shock me. I accept it is a reality and a fact. The fact that you would do so on a sick, sweet wife because you got so full of yourself is what is sad. There are young children at home who needed a stand-up, solid guy and he let them down, too. Even worse is that he showcased him to be this wonderful, awesome, lovely family guy. I now know it was too good to be true. If the hair, the suit, the smile, the image and the words sound too good to be true they likely are. I'll try to remember this next time. And John Mc does not get off so easy either. He ran around on his first wife and there is a reason his children from that marriage are not a part of his campaign. You can forgive but it is really hard to forget. I'm not speaking from marriage experience YET!