A message from:
Susan Schoolfield, APR
Assembly Delegate
GFW PRSA Chapter
Dowden Custom Media
Thank you for this opportunity to serve as your assembly delegate while Heather Senter, APR, took a break to be with her growing family. It has been at least 10 years since I was an official delegate and during my participation in Detroit this weekend, I was reminded of the lasting vision of PRSA to unify, strengthen and advance the profession of public relations, and the important role that the Greater Fort Worth Chapter, and all chapters, play in achieving this vision.
Dan Kenney, APR, succinctly covered a good deal of assembly business conducted on Saturday earlier in the blog so I won’t repeat those areas, but will add my own observations of the day.
As Dan described, this year’s Assembly was different, and possibly the wave of the future for assemblies yet to come. The 300 assembly delegates were called on as a think tank to openly discuss industry issues and work on problem solving. To me one of the most significant outcomes from our table and much of the room is the need for each assembly delegate to serve not just in a short-term capacity as each individual prepares for and attends an international conference as a voting representative during the typical three-year stint, but performs every day as an ambassador between the chapter and the national organization.
News from the day:
First, I was proud to represent our chapter during the Assembly luncheon in accepting an Award of Honor, Chapter Diversity Award for the Greater Fort Worth Chapter, including a check for the chapter for $250. The Award was given to only three chapters nationwide. The Greater Fort Worth Chapter was chosen because it embodies and demonstrates key values in diversity as outlined by the PRSA mission statement and contributes to advancing diversity through best practices and case studies. We were also recognized as “Champions for PRSSA” for our ongoing support to area chapters and our scholarship program.
Many members may be aware that the national office has hired a web design firm, RDW out of Boston, and is working on the web site. Design work is due from the firm by the end of the year with 2009 being the year for construction. Stay tuned to National as to how this may alleviate the need and expense for individual local chapter sites or at least supplement existing chapter sites. Now’s your opportunity to view and comment on the site by going to Member Net on the PRSA website. You have until November 15. A number of other web developments from National, in addition to simplifying the look and usability of the site, include:
* A new feature called My PRSA that will be available to act as your individual source for important information to be pushed out to you;
* A couple of new blogs, including ComPRhension and a new leadership blog;
* A revamped job center;
* A new data collection procedure to help build support for individual members
Other announcements included:
* a health insurance program which will be available to interested members in February;
* More marketing and communications promoting the emotional aspect of joining PRSA;
* Ongoing exposure on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and You Tube
Last, but certainly not least, our own Carolyn Bobo, APR, Fellow PRSA, was voted in as a national assembly delegate-at-large and will represent members who are not in chapter areas.
PRSA supports its members with a dedicated staff and volunteer board. Ongoing challenges continue to include promoting APR on a national basis to potential employers and members of the “C” team and keeping senior practitioners engaged.
Slides presented at conference will be available online on the PRSA site. If anyone is interested and has problems obtaining those, feel free to contact me.
Susan Schoolfield, APR
Dowden Custom Media