Assignment: read a nursery rhyme and rewrite it.
"Dopy & Snow White Get Married"
By: Bryn Van Hoosier, age 10 (5th Grade)
The prince came galloping in on his white shiny horse to give Snow White a kiss. As he headed over to give her a kiss, she opened her eyes and said, "You're not the right one. Get away from me!" and she went back to sleep.
Then Dopy came over and gave her a big sloppy kiss. She awoke with a huge smile on her face and she married Dopy later that day.
As for the Prince, it turns out the evil Queen had a daughter and the Prince had gotten married to her. When Dopy was older he fought the evil Queen and Dopy won! He walked away happy and Snow White made the castle into their new home.
And Dopy and Snow White lived happily ever after.